Well the painting of Kasper and Kowboy is completed and signed, and I
must say that it was a fun one to paint! I’ve painted a lot of horses in the
past, but I had never painted one of our two trail horses. I really don’t know
why I waited so long.
Even though at one time I was undecided about the background I made
the decision to go with the sunset and I think it was the right choice. That is
the one great thing about art as opposed to photography. You can easily
change a background, foreground, or the actual subject to make the
composition more appealing. While working I learned several new skills
about painting snow, shadows, and sunsets. This always helps to make
painting more enjoyable if you learn something new during the process.
I’m thinking that I may title this original “Playday”, but I haven’t decided for
sure. Some of my paintings I title and others I don’t. It just depends on what
I am feeling at the time.