A Baby Girl after 47 Years! Amazing

I’m so excited to announce that I have a new grandbaby on the way very
soon. The entire family can’t believe that it is finally happening. With little
boys being born in our family for decades, we can hardly believe that after
47 years a little girl will join our family! Amazing!
So when I heard the news about the new baby I knew that I would probably
be painting something for the nursery. My first grandson, Kaleb, received a
painting for his room, so of course she must have one as well. However I
really had no idea what the painting was going to be except that it had to be
something special for a little girl. My son and his wife had not yet decided
on the colors or a theme for nursery, so I would have to wait until all of that
was determined before I could decide on the painting.
So months passed and then a baby shower was planned. Colors and
ideas began to bounce around. The baby’s bed was chosen as well as the
crib sheets, blankets, and mobile. I figured that some shade of pink would
probably be chosen but wasn’t certain. Finally the colors of mint and
coral were sent my way, and now I had what I’d been waiting for. They
were beautiful and offered many possibilities for art work! Now all I needed
was an idea for a painting, and to find out what the parents were using as a
theme. So like most grandmothers, I went shopping for a few items on
Mom’s list for the baby shower. I walked into BuyBuyBaby and decided to
take a look at the crib they had chosen. On the side of the bed, matching
the colors of the room, hung the blanket, with the crib sheet, and a mobile,
all of which were on her list. Attached to the mobile and prancing around in
a little circle were tiny little white unicorns. Well what more could I have
asked for? Instantly I knew what I was going to paint! As you know horses
are my favorite subject, but I had never tried to paint a unicorn. How could
it be much different than a horse? After all, it’s just an extra horn, right?
However I needed a special horse because just any ordinary horse
wouldn’t do. It had to be a white horse influenced by the nursery colors,
and it needed to have a hint of elegance. So the search began. Usually I
always paint from a photo, but finding one that suited my expectations
would be a challenge. I had taken many photos at horse shows so this
would be my starting point. After several hours of frustrating combing
through my files, and almost giving up on the idea, bingo! I found the one I
needed! With a few changes in color, shape, and the addition of artistic
influence, I should have a beautiful unicorn! However as with every single
painting I have ever begun, I never know if I can pull it off.
My first step was to decide what medium would be used. I thought that oil
would deliver just what I was looking for. Painting this magical animal on a
wrapped canvas with finished edges would allow this artwork to be framed
or just hung as is. So the decision was made and the unicorn was drawn,
placed on canvas, and painted in oil.
This magical creature took several weeks of intense work but is now
completed and hanging in the nursery waiting for the arrival of this precious
bundle of joy! We are soooooo excited and can hardly wait for Lexie to
arrive! Whenever she finally decides to come, her beautiful room along with
her magical unicorn, are waiting to welcome this very special little angel!